In A State of Mutation, Jean-Jacques Duerinckx will roam La Vallée’s spaces, weaving a delicate dialogue with the sound installations through his sopranino saxophone. Each improvised note becomes a sonic excavation of the soul’s mysteries, resonating with the secrets lying beneath the earth. This inner journey, crafted through both sound and silence, builds to a final moment where the electronically treated, amplified saxophone immerses the listener in an experience bridging the subterranean and hidden realms of the spirit. Through these layered resonances, the finale reveals the invisible, touching upon hidden energies and unexplored depths—a poetic echo that seeks to unveil buried sounds and the unknown, beyond the world’s surface.
Jean-Jacques Duerinckx, known as Maurice Charles JJ, began playing tenor saxophone in 1985, later studying with Philippe Leblanc and Fabrizio Cassol. For over 20 years, he has been active on the free improvised music scene, collaborating with artists such as Lol Coxhill and John Russell while exploring the abstract possibilities of the sopranino saxophone. Founder of OMFI in 2011, he later created lab’OMFI and the collective Lamaφ. A member of ZAÄAR, he has also played in Neptunian Maximalism. In 2018, he formed Unreal Brotherface with the late acousmatic composer Stephan Dunkelman, whom he met in 2004 while working on Zahava Seewald’s project, Zohara, released as Scorched Lips on the Tzadik label. He paid tribute to Dunkelman during Semaine du Son 2022.